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Profile & Organisations in MusicTeam®
Profile & Organisations in MusicTeam®

Identifying the right entities to ensure proper royalties distribution.

Chloe Dagenais avatar
Written by Chloe Dagenais
Updated over a week ago

Why is creating a Profile is so important?

Profiles in MusicTeam® are similar to digital passports. They identify who you are as a legal person as well as an artist or contributor. It saves the correct spelling of your legal name (as well as your Display Artist Name) every time you are added to a musical work or recording. A complete Profile makes sure that there is no spelling mistakes in the music credits or in your rights registration, which can delay the matching of rights holders for royalties distribution by your PROs/CMOs/MROs.

If you've added someone to a work and/or recording and filled out their names for them, all they need to do is confirm the information in order to get the proper credits. When distributing, if you want your contributors or rights holders to receive a payout, they will have to fill out their Profile as well as their PayPal email in order to receive that payout.

This may take (only) 5 minutes to fill out, but you will not need to do it again; unless you change your legal name or have a new Artist name.

You should:

  1. Review your Profile if you signed up as an individual and/or your Publisher/Collaborator profile if you signed up as a business.

  2. Add your unique identifiers and PRO (or learn about them here).

What is the difference between a Profile & an Organisation?

Profile & Organisations in MusicTeam® allow you to establish ownership and/or a contribution in Musical Works or Sound Recordings.

Your Profile should represent you, as a legal person. This includes songwriters, performers, musicians, producers, contributors, etc.

Organisations are meant to represent your registered legal entity such as a publishing company (Publisher) or a music production company/record label/recording studio (Collaborator).

Editing a Profile

Profiles are always represented by a legal person and because of that, you can only have one (1) Profile. When you signed up as an individual, we automatically created a Profile for you.

To edit or review your profile:

  • Click of Profiles in your side menu

  • Click in "..." > Edit Profile


  • add your avatar

  • confirm your Legal Name

  • confirm your corresponding email*

  • select your nationality/country of residence

  • add your PayPal email for distribution payouts

  • keep adding your unique identifiers

  • click on Save/Next to save your Profile.

*Your corresponding email is your searchable email in MusicTeam®. If others want to add you to a Work or Recording, they'll have to search for that email. Your corresponding email can be different than the email you use to log in.

Artist Names

This section allows you add your performer/stage name. For example, Adele Laurie Blue Adkins would be her Profile name and Adele would be her Display Artist Name

Display Artist Name can be:

  • a Solo Artist or;

  • as a Band/Group. You will be able to invite your bandmates with their email.

To add your Solo Artist Display Artist Name click on + Display Artist Name:

  • select Solo Artist

  • enter your Display Artist Name

  • add your Spotify, Soundcloud and/or your AppleMusic Profile

  • add your Solo Artist ISNI

To add your Band/Group Artist Name click on + Display Artist Name:

  • select Band/Group

  • enter your Display Artist Name

  • add your bandmates email in Group artists (when entering your bandmates emails, an automatic invite will be sent out.)

  • add your Spotify, Soundcloud and/or your Apple Music Profile

  • add your Band/Group ISNI


Lastly, this section will help determine your PRO/CMO/MRO as well as your Publisher representing you.

If you correctly entered your roles, when you select your PRO/CMO/MRO administering your works & recordings, we'll help you determine whose collecting which royalties.

If you have a Publisher administering your Works, you should add your Publishing Agreement. Otherwise, simply select "I don't have a Publisher".

To add your Publishing Agreement click on + Publishing Agreement:

  • add your Publisher's email

  • enter your Pubisher's Legal Name

  • enter the effective date range of the agreement

  • select the territories as part of the agreement

  • select the Works (entire catalogue or specific works)

  • click on Next to save

Editing a Publisher Profile

Publishers in the music industry are in charge of negotiating agreements for songwriters, promoting the Works of the creators they represent and much more. If you signed up as a Business, as a Publisher, we automatically created your Publisher Profile.

To edit or review your Publisher Role:

  • go to the Profiles on the side menu

  • In the Organisations table, you should see your Publisher role

  • Click on the pencil

  • confirm the Publisher's legal name

  • confirm the Country of Registration

  • select your PRO

  • keep adding your unique identifiers & click on Save to save your Publisher Role.

*If you don't have a Publisher and you haven't added a Publishing Company, it will be assumed that you own the publishing shares.

Editing a Collaborator Profile

Collaborators in sound Recordings are always represented by a legal entity name as ownership must be established in the instance of a copyright infringement. The label you use for distribution is NOT a Collaborator, unless it's a legal entity. If you do not have a registered business and associate with the following three (3) Collaborator Types, you should not create a Collaborator profile.

Collaborator Types include:

  • Music Production Company

  • Recording Studio

  • Record Label

When you signed up as a Business, as a Collaborator, we automatically created your Collaborator Profile.

To edit your Collaborator Role:

  • go to the Profiles on the side menu

  • confirm the Collaborator's legal entity name

  • confirm your Collaborator Type

  • enter your Collaborator's ISNI Number (optional)

  • confirm the Country of Registration

  • click on Save to save your Collaborator Role

Unique Identifiers

*When youR royalties are being collected, DSPs (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, etc.) as well as PROs/CMOs/MROs use the creative contribution identifiers to identify rights holders & contributors and distribute royalties.

The unique identifiers for your profile include:

  • IPI Number

  • ISNI

  • IPN

IPI Number

Your IPI number is issued by your Performing Rights Organization (PRO) once your membership is processed. You can find your IPI number in your PRO's member portal.

*If you are a new member of a PRO, you can expect a bit of delay from the PRO to issue your IPI.

ISNI Number

The ISNI identifies contributors to creative works.

  • The mission of the ISNI is to assign to a legal name a persistent unique identifying number in order to resolve the problem of name ambiguity in search and discovery;

  • and diffuse each assigned ISNI across all repertoires in the global supply chain so that every published work can be unambiguously attributed to its creator wherever that work is described.

  • You can also add an ISNI to your Display Artist Names

source: (


Your IPN is a unique universal identifier allocated to performers in recordings and is issued by collective management organisations registered to SCAPR such as Artisti in Canada or PPL in the UK. We recommend that you email your CMO and request your IPN as most CMOs' portals do not communicate that number

Creating, Editing, Viewing and Deleting Profiles & Organisations

  • Go to your Profiles menu items, click on + Profile or + Organisations and choose which one you want to create.

  • Once you fill in the required information, you will be redirected to the Profile or Organisation Details page where you will find a summary of the information you have filled out along with the related Works/Recordings where that specific Profile or Organisation has music rights or contributions.

  • You can delete your Profile or any Organisation as long as they don't have any Work Splits or Recording Splits. As for Display Artist Names, you can't delete them if they are a Main or Featured Artist on a Recording.

Quick Summary of Profiles & Organisations

  • Profiles & Organisations unlock all of the apps functions.

  • You'll need a Profile or an Organisation to get credited.

  • Search for other people with an email address.

  • Automatic email invitations are sent to the people concerned.

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