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Unique Identifiers in the Music Industry
Unique Identifiers in the Music Industry

Understand what each identifiers

Chloe Dagenais avatar
Written by Chloe Dagenais
Updated over a week ago

What are music unique identifiers?

Music unique identifiers are unique codes designed to distinguish and manage various elements within the music industry, ensuring accurate identification, attribution, and tracking. Examples include:

  • ISWC, for the musical work;

  • ISRC, for the sound recording;

  • IPI, for legal rightsholder;

  • IPN, for performers;

  • ISNI, for public persona name.

What is an ISWC?

The International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) serves as a permanent and unique identifier for a musical Work.

Who issues ISWCs?

Traditionally, these codes are issued by Performing Rights Organizations (PROs). ISWCs are usually given after a work registration, and it can take between 4 weeks to 8 weeks to get one.

What is an ISRC?

The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a unique identifier assigned to individual sound Recordings. It serves as a standardized and internationally recognized code for identifying a specific sound Recording or audiovisual.

Once an ISRC is assigned, creators must ensure they are not associating a new ISRC with the same recording. The reason behind this requirement is to avoid confusion in tracking, reporting, and managing the usage and distribution of the recording. Consistency in the ISRC allows for accurate identification and attribution of the recording across various platforms, such as streaming services, radio, and digital stores.

Who issues ISRC?

We can issue ISRCs for your Recordings. Find out how to request one here.

What is an IPI number?

IPI, or Interested Party Information, functions as a permanent and unique identifier for rightsholders associated with a musical work. It is similar to a social insurance number that represents legal entities, including both writers and publishers.

Who issues an IPI number?

This identifier is exclusively issued by Performing Rights Organizations (PROs), and all rightsholders who are members of PROs automatically receive an IPI.

Where can you find your IPI number?

You will find your IPI number in your PRO's member portal. If you can't find it, you should contact them so they can provide you your number.

What is an IPN?

The International Performer Number (IPN) is attributed to performers, whether artists, musicians or any performer working on a sound recording. It represents the legal person behind the performer’s name.

Who issues an IPN?

The IPN is issued by Collective Management Organizations (CMO). As it is not publicly available, you need to ask your CMO to get it. SCAPR is the international body that oversees the issuance of the IPN.

Where can I find my IPN?

Your IPN will be visible in your CMO's member portal. If you can't find it, you should contact them so they can provide you your number.

What is an ISNI?

ISNI, or International Standard Name Identifier, serves as a unique identifier for public entities, which can encompass both organizations and individuals. This identifier may be associated with a display artist name or a legal name. This is the only identifier that can be assigned to a band.

Who issues an ISNI?

The issuance of ISNIs is managed by ISNI agencies.

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