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Works and Work Splits in MusicTeam®
Works and Work Splits in MusicTeam®

Understanding Musical Works, Splits & Roles

Chloe Dagenais avatar
Written by Chloe Dagenais
Updated over a week ago

What are Musical Works?

Musical Works (we call them Works for short) are melodies, compositions, lyrics intended to be sung or performed with the music.

Works receive the full set of rights under copyright law, just like like literary, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works.

Adding a Work

MusicTeam® currently only supports original Works. In other words, you can only create a Work for the musical Works you wrote or composed.

To add a Work:

  • go to Works on the side menu

  • click on the + Work

  • add your Work Title

  • select the Territory

  • select SkyTracks Project (if applicable)

  • upload Work Files (if applicable)

  • click on Create to save your Work

You can also automatically create a Work if you create a Recording.

If the Work has not yet been registered, the ISWC will be issued by your PRO once the Work is registered. PROs might take up to 4 weeks to issue the ISWC.

To add Lyrics information:

  • click on the expender to open the Lyrics Editor

  • paste or write your Lyrics (lyrics are automatically saved on pop-up exit)

  • select Language

  • change Parental Advisory

We accept lyrics that are submitted following the international Lyrics Formatting Guidelines.

Adding your Work Splits

Do you remember our Adele exemple? When she writes her song and lyrics she is credited as a Songwriter. Creators' are defined by their Roles by their contribution to the Work.

The Creator Roles are accessible once you start adding Work Splits:

  • Lyricist (a person who wrote the lyrics)

  • Composer (a person who composed the melody)

  • Songwriter (a person who wrote the lyrics and composed the melody)

Work Splits are a percentage that represent a share of ownership in the Work. Publishers can receive only up to 50% of the publishing share.

To add Creator Splits (This is your writer's share):

  • click on Splits/Contributions*

  • select + Creator Splits

  • click on the email field to see your Profile or type an email to find another Profile

  • select the Creator Role (Lyricist, Composer or Songwriter)

  • enter the Work Split value

  • click on Create

To add Publisher Splits, you must make sure that you added your Publishing Agreement in your Profile's affiliation. Once your Publishing Agreement is added to your Profile, the Publisher will be automatically added to the Work based on your agreement.

If no publishing shares have been assigned to a legally registered a publishing company, SOCAN, ASCAP and BMI will understand to split the publishing share according to the writer share split.

Adding Contributions

Contributions give credit to Contributors that were hired to contribute on a Work. Contributors unlike the rest of the roles in MusicTeam® cannot hold any music rights.

The Contribution Roles are accessible once you start adding Work Splits:

  • Work-for-hire (a person who is hired by an employer, or commissioning party for the work being prepared or created. The employer/commissioning party is deemed to be the author (as opposed to the actual creator of the work).

  • Other (a person that contributes to a musical work might not be entitled to a share of the work.)

To add a Contribution:

  • click on Splits/Contributions*

  • select + Contribution

  • click on the email field to see your Profile or type an email to find another Profile

  • select a Contribution Role

  • add a Description

  • click on Create


The Status of the Work Split remains Pending if the Creator or Contributor isn't signed up to MusicTeam®. Once they have signed up and reviewed their details, Work Splits will automatically be Accepted.

Creating, Editing, Viewing and Deleting:


  • Go to your Works menu items, click on + Works

  • Fill out as much information as you can on your Work. In the Work Files section, you can upload PDFs, and WAVs.

  • Once you fill in the required information, you will be redirected to the Work Details page of you newly created musical work. On that page, you will find a summary of the information you have filled out along with all the Recordings Related Recordings.

  • You can delete a Work as long as it is not linked to a Recording. When you delete a work, it will delete the splits and contributions linked to that Work.

Work Splits

  • In your selected Work, click on + Splits/Contributions

  • When you click on the Creator or Contributor field, you can select your Profile or type an email to assign the split/contribution to someone else. As you type the email, the dropdown will show you the matching user's Profile (if it exists). If you select the email, our system will send them an invitation for you.

  • Your total work splits must never exceed a total of 100%. For example, you can one Creator Split of 51% but cannot add a Publisher Split of 50%.

Work Contributions

  • In your selected Work, click on + Splits/Contributions

  • When you click on the Contributor field, you can select your Profile or type an email to assign the contribution to someone else. As you type the email, the dropdown will show you the matching user's Profile (if it exists).

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