Permissions in MusicTeam®

What can I see/access when I am assigned a Work or Recording Split?

Chloe Dagenais avatar
Written by Chloe Dagenais
Updated over a week ago

What are Permissions?

Permissions allows you to see part of a Work or Recording as well as use certain features. For example, Profiles with Splits (rightsholders) will be granted more permissions to the Work & Recording than Profiles with Contributions (contributors).

Works and Recordings: if you have a profile or organisation with assigned splits, these are considered equal owners of that object, regardless of the weight of the split.

Troubleshooting Works

Did you add the Work?

If you added the Work you can view/edit/delete the Work, Work Splits and the files.

Were you assigned a Work Split?

If you did not add the Work but were assigned a Work Split, you can view/edit/delete the Work, Work Splits and the files.

Are you a Contributor to the Work?

If you are a Contributor to the Work, you can only see the Work. You will not be able to see the Work Splits or to edit/delete the Work. You can only edit/delete your Contribution.

If you were not assigned ownership or if you are not listed as a Contributor to the Work, you will not be able to edit/delete the Work. You can only view the Work and its files, its participants (but not the splits), and the related recordings.

Troubleshooting Recordings

Did you add the Recording?

If you added the Recording you can view/edit/delete the Recording, Recording Splits, Lyrics Timestamps, File, and the Payouts.

Were you assigned a Recording Split?

If you did not add the Recording but were assigned a Recording Split, you can view/edit/delete the Recording, Recording Splits, Lyrics Timestamps, File, and the Payouts.

Were you assigned a Recording Split but not an actual split?

If you were assigned a Recording Split, but do not have a percentage value in the split, you can view/edit Recording, Lyrics Timestamps and File. You cannot delete the Recording, add/edit Recording Splits/Contributions, add/edit Payouts.

Are you a Contributor to the Recording?

If you are a Contributor to the Recording, you will not be able to edit/delete the Recording, add/edit Lyric Timestamps, add/edit other splits/contributions, and add/edit payouts.

If you were not assigned ownership or listed as a Contributor to the Recording, you will only be able to view the Recording Details and the Participants (not the splits).

Recordings and Works: if you have a Work Split that is related to a Recording you will only be able to edit/delete the Work and the Work Splits, not the Recording or the Recording Splits. You would only be able to edit/delete the latter if you are the user that added the Recording or if you have a Recording Split in that specific Recording.

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